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Self-care for new and student nurses
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781948057844 9781948057820 9781948057837 1948057832 1948057824 1948057840 9781948057813 1948057816 Year: 2021 Publisher: Indianapolis, IN

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"Self-Care for New and Student Nurses presents self-care practices that must be learned and used consistently and in multiple settings to prepare new nurses for the clinical stressors to come. Filled with methods, tips, and exercises, this will book will guide new and student nurses to prioritize their own health needs in order to avoid burnout and premature exit from the nursing profession"--

Naar een hogere opleidingsdeelname tijdens periodes van inactiviteit : drempels en kritische succesfactoren voor opleidingsdeelname tijdens tijdelijke werkloosheid in kaart gebracht
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789088360329 Year: 2011 Publisher: Leuven Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Hoger Instituut voor de Arbeid

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Tijdens de economische crisis van 2009-2010 werd in Vlaanderen massaal gebruikgemaakt van het stelsel van de tijdelijke economische werkloosheid. Zowel de Vlaamse regering, de VDAB als de sectoren stimuleerden via diverse acties de deelname van tijdelijk werklozen aan competentieversterkende acties. Hoewel periodes van tijdelijke inactiviteit ideale gelegenheden lijken voor werknemers om competenties bij te spijkeren, was het succes van deze acties erg beperkt. Via dit onderzoek zijn we nagegaan welke factoren de lage participatie aan competentieversterkende acties tijdens tijdelijke economische werkloosheid verklaren. Dit rapport brengt de belangrijkste drempels in kaart en formuleert enkele aanbevelingen. Om de onderzoeksvragen te beantwoorden maakten we gebruik van verschillende onderzoeksmethoden: buitenlandse casestudies, semi-gestructureerde interviews met aanbodverstrekkers en een survey bij werkgevers.

The vocational quest : new directions in education and training
ISBN: 1134838573 1280335696 020307579X 9780203075791 0415109159 9786610335695 6610335699 9780415109154 0415109159 9781134838523 9781134838561 9781134838578 1134838565 Year: 1994 Publisher: London ; New York : Routledge,

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Government attempts in recent years to create a national system of vocational education and training have marked a profound shift both in educational policy and in underlying concepts of what education is for. Relations between schools and the working world are changing all the time and the implementation of ideas of vocationalism has forced a blurring of the time-honoured boundaries between educations concerned with concepts and training, or with skills. The challenge now is to define how the schools can give young people the foundations for life in a working world in which they are likely to

Aan de slag! Inspirerende opdrachten voor beroepsopleidingen
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789031347346 Year: 2008 Publisher: Houten Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum

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Aan de slag! is een uitgebreide handreiking voor het maken van goede opdrachten voor beroepsopleidingen. De opdrahten sluiten aan bij het leerlijnenmodel. De volgende leerlijnen komen aan bod : de stageleerlijn, de integrale leerlijn, de conceptuele leerlijn, de vaardighedenleerlijn en de studieloopbaanbegeleiding (regieleerlijn)

Social work in the frame of a professional competencies approach
ISBN: 9783031135286 9783031135279 9783031135293 9783031135309 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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This book serves as an introductory reader for understanding a professional competencies framework through a new approach. It not only discusses what professional competencies are and why they are significant, but it also shows how to develop a professional competencies approach, measure and research competencies, and learn how to use them to empower professional identity and career development. There has been growing interest to define the social work profession within a professional competencies framework. Professional competencies are considered in their complexity as a triangle of knowledge, skills and values. They are not solely a tool for education and practice, but they are also important for professional socialization and identity in social work. A professional competencies approach has been used to define standards and expectations for social workers-practitioners; it is an evaluation tool for formal education and lifelong learning programs, provides guidance for field practice and placements for social work students, and could be a frame for distinguishing levels of professional expertise. The volume provides an up-to-date, comprehensive overview of a professional competencies approach in social work with 10 chapters organized in four sections: Part I: Understanding a Professional Competencies Approach, including Criticisms of the Competency-Based Education Approach Part II: Major Areas of Professional Competencies, including Leadership and Professional Socialisation Part III: Measuring Professional Competencies and Education Outcomes, including How to Conceptualise, Operationalise and Measure Professional Competencies in Social Work Part IV: Professional Competencies and Professional Development, including A Model of Holistic Competence in Social Work and the unique Professional Capabilities Framework Social Work in the Frame of a Professional Competencies Approach is essential reading for social work instructors, academics and national professional associations interested in developing or reviewing their professional competencies framework. It is an invaluable resource for experts in statutory bodies that set up a legislative framework of social work practice or work in the accreditation of social work education programs. The book is useful for social work students interested in understanding the theoretical background of social work, as well as for field practitioners who wish to use professional competencies for their self-reflection, self-evaluation and professional identity.

The value of TVET in advancing human development and reducing inequalities : the case of Palestine
ISBN: 9789811905575 9789811905568 9789811905582 9789811905599 Year: 2022 Publisher: Singapore : Springer,

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This book examines the contribution of Vocational Education and Training to advancing human development and reducing inequality. It uses the example of Palestine as case-study rich in multi-layered inequalities, some of which are experienced in the region and worldwide, while others are specific to adverse conditions. The case of Palestine provides fertile ground for understanding inequality and human development, and for echoing the developed knowledge through to the understanding of Vocational Education and Training and Human Development globally. The book brings original theoretical approaches, evidence of the value of Vocational Education and Training, and contributes to academic debates, as well as provides empirical evidence for practitioners and donor community.

Over.werk : tijdschrift van het Steunpunt WSE
Authors: ---
ISSN: 13797034 27366383 Year: 1997 Publisher: Leuven Acco

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Het Steunpunt Werk is een kenniscentrum dat expertise opbouwt en ter beschikking stelt over de thema's werk, arbeidsmarkt en sociale economie. Dit tijdschrift is een naslagwerk voor iedereen die vanuit professionele hoek geïnteresseerd is in het reilen en zeilen op de arbeidsmarkt. Het uiteenlopende aanbod van kwalitatief hoogstaande artikelen, gekoppeld aan een vlotte leesbaarheid, bezorgt Over.Werk een lezerspubliek uit diverse hoeken: onderzoekers zowel aan universiteiten als aan studiecentra, sociale en socioculturele organisaties, beleidsmedewerkers op alle niveaus, lesgevers en cursisten, personeelsdirecties, CLB's, HRM-verantwoordelijken... Vanaf 2021 is Over.Werk een digitaal, open access tijdschrift.

Maatwerk in samenspraak : Beroepsgericht volwassenenonderwijs en modularisering in Frankrijk, Nederlands en Schotland
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9040300356 9789040300356 Year: 1994 Publisher: Brussel

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Beroepsgericht volwassenonderwijs en modularisering in : Frankrijk - Nederland - Schotland ; Met telkens : ordeningskader voor aanbod - modulariseringsproces - randvoorwaarden mbt. modulariseringsproces - overwegingen tav. Vlaamse situatie

Vocations and learning.
ISSN: 18747868 1874785X Year: 2008 Publisher: [Dordrecht] : Springer,

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